My fitness story.


Growing up in Czech republic I have played lots of sports. I did modern gymnastics for 5 years before I moved to playing Field hockey for next 10 years. I have never been big girl but certainly always felt like the bigger one in the group. All what I was thinking was I want to be slim. Being considered fit or strong never came to mind.

I tried some aerobic classes but felt totally out of place and gave up. I tried exercise home but only gone so far. I tried running. Not the best results either. Well how could I when I was spending my days eating mostly crap food and partying over the weekend drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. But back then pretty much all my friends did the same so need of social proof was stronger than anything.

But one day, my then partner took me to his gym. I really enjoyed trying all the machines that day and end up looking for my own gym to go to. I was totally obsessed with leg machines in hope my legs would get smaller and then sweat the storm on exercise bike or treadmill. I thought as long as I sweated alot then it was a good workout. I had no idea about nutrition apart of obvious no chocolate or cakes so after 2hrs at the gym I would go and buy Chinese for lunch or have salad only. I had no idea about how to eat for training or fat loss. I had no influences around me. At that time the biggest enemy was fat so when I thought I need a ”diet” I eliminated a lot of meat and ate lots of pasta?! I know now that sugar is the issue. When you hooked on sugar it’s very easy to crash and burn on fad diet and any hard work in the gym is lost in few meals.

 My gym regime worked at the start but one day I realized that I'm not getting results I was hoping for so I decided to do a session with a personal trainer. I remember I was worried to be judged about how unfit I was but to my surprise the trainer made me feel comfortable and results started to show. I really noticed the benefits of resistance training especially going on holidays in the mountains in winter. I was able to snowboard all day without being totally exhausted and sore all over my body.

I cannot imagine my life without exercise and how it makes me feel every day.

By the time I was 25 and left Prague for Australia and finding local gym was Priority number one as soon as I started working. I joined Fitness First and enjoyed trying all the Less Mills classes. The more I did better I felt. I eventually quit smoking (thanks to my now husband) and learned more and more about food. Then at 2010 I had a big turnaround in my diet finding out I was gluten intolerant. I struggled with finding what to eat for 6 months. But when I found my way I notice the massive difference in my energy levels. Now I actually appreciate I can’t just eat whatever I want and it’s easier to say no to junk food like pizza and cakes. These days I also hardly have a drink and rather choose to have a nice meal than glass of alcohol.

I decided to enroll for Personal training course to learn even more. I knew after first few weeks that this was it. I want to be a Personal Trainer and help, inspire, motivate and educate others to live healthy lifestyle. I started my business at 2012 out of one Anytime Fitness club and I never looked back. After having my son at 2015 I decided to relocate and now train at New South Wales Central Coast.

My personal fitness journey has grown to loving weights and participating in fun runs every year with my husband and son by my side. I cannot imagine my life without exercise and how it makes me feel every day. It boost my confidence in almost every aspect of my life. My confidence got me as far that this year I am about to tackle my biggest fear of being judged and I entered my first bikini fitness competition. I have been working very hard to get to the stage and I can not wait to see all new opportunities that can bring me.